segunda-feira, dezembro 15, 2008

Playlist de 15 de Dezembro de 2008

* James Brown - Let's Make Christmas Mean Something This Year
* Mike James Kirkland - It's Alright
* Bob & Gene - I Can Be Cool
* Turner Bros - The Sweetest Thing In The World
* Doris Duke - The Feeling is Right
* Darondo - Didn't I
* The Lost Generation - This Is The Lost Generation
* The Skull Snaps - Didn't I Do It To You
* Wayne Mcghie & The Sounds of Joy - When I Think Of Home
* Soul Expedition - We Gonna Make It
* Billy Kyle - I Can Deal With That
* George McRae - I Get Lifted
* The Bamboos feat. Paul McInnes - Move On
* Marvin Holmes - I Can't Go Without You
* Betty Barney - Momma Momma
* James Brown - Santa Claus Go Straight To The Ghetto

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